Meet Our Patient Care Teams


The Patient Engagement Specialist is responsible for ensuring patient success and with remote monitoring. They identify patients who are not transmitting and contact them to assist in resolving any issues.  This includes educating the patient and family about remote monitoring, troubleshooting transmitter issues, and facilitating communication with the manufacturer if indicated.  The Patient Engagement Specialist will provide documentation of all compliance activity and keep the clinic informed of patients of concern.  They take an empathetic approach when connecting with patients personally, resulting in increased patient compliance and satisfaction. 

Marissa Grilli, BSW

Manager of Patient Engagement

Cadee Pelyak

Associate Manager of Patient Engagement

Dawn Butler

Associate Manager of Patient Engagement

Madison Butler

Patient Engagement Specialist

Luis Ceballos - Patient Engagement Specialist

Luis Ceballos

Patient Engagement Specialist

Jasmin Chavez - Patient Engagement Specialist

Jasmin Chavez

Patient Engagement Specialist

Peighton Copeland

Patient Engagement Specialist

Marianne Defoggi

Patient Engagement Specialist

Vicky Holding

Patient Engagement Specialist

Carla Jernigan

Patient Engagement Specialist

Jennifer Kohn

Patient Engagement Specialist

Lindsay Martin

Patient Engagement Specialist

Diana Nestor

Patient Engagement Specialist

Laura Prout

Patient Engagement Specialist

Christie Hildack - Patient Engagement Specialist

Christie Rapczak

Patient Engagement Specialist

Dacia Roca

Patient Engagement Specialist

Tracy Stein

Patient Engagement Specialist

Virtual Care Management Team

Our Virtual Care team utilizes a robust virtual care platform to facilitate personalized interactions and remote monitoring. Our care managers empower patients to feel connected to their caregivers and stay compliant between office visits.

Carla Bockla, RN

VCM Manager

Heather Seymour, RN

Associate Manager of VCM

Shelley Willouer, RN

Nurse Care Manager

Emily Chang

RPM Technician

Meghan Mosher

RPM Technician

Marissa Reyes

RPM Technician

Michelle Sain

RPM Technician

CIED Remote Monitoring Team

The CIED Remote Monitoring Team is responsible for the day-to-day management of CIED transmissions.  These certified clinical professionals review the daily alerts and transmissions for the specific cardiology clinic which they are partnered with.  They provide expert interpretation, clinical documentation and triaging of events and communicate directly with the clinical staff to ensure appropriate patient care.  The Remote Support Technicians provide non-clinical assistance and make sure every transmission is available for review.

Kelly Austin, RN, BSN

CIED Operations Manager

Rebecca Yapejian, CIED Associate Manager - Cardiac RMS

Rebecca Yapejian, BS, BSN, MSN, APRN, FNP

CIED Associate Manager

Annie Bash, CRAT

CIED Associate Manager

Heidi Carr, B.S., CDRMS

CIED Supervisor
Implementation and Optimization

Bailey Davis, CRAT - Arrhythmia Specialist

Bailey Davis, CRAT

Arrhythmia Specialist

Jason Miller

Field Operations Supervisor​

Sally Pesavento, CCDS

Patient Care Specialist

Amanda Poindexter, CRAT

CIED Associate Manager

Jordan Anderson - Patient Engagement Tech

Jordan Anderson

Remote Support Technician

Chris Barker - Patient Care Technician

Chris Barker, CRAT

Arrhythmia Specialist

Allyson Bird, CCDS

CIED Training and Process Improvement Coordinator.

Grey Braybrooks, CEPS, CCDS, MSE, BSE

Patient Care Specialist

Judy Brindel, CRAT, CCT, ASN

Arrhythmia Technologist

Caitlin Carroll-Carambelas, BA, CDRMS

Patient Care Specialist

Ian Chepke

Remote Support Technician

Tessa Chirhart

Remote Support Technician

Laurie Costello, CDRMS

Patient Care Specialist

Lindsay Cox, RN, BSN, CDRMS

Patient Care Specialist

Bryce Culver, CCDS

Patient Care Specialist

Melissa DiMaria, CRAT

Patient Care Specialist

Heather Dowgos, CRAT

Arrhythmia Specialist

Larry Ehlers, CCDS - Patient Care Specialist

Larry Ehlers, CCDS

Patient Care Specialist

Matt Falkinburg, CCDS - Patient Care Specialist

Matt Falkinburg, CCDS

Patient Care Specialist

Meghan Frey - Remote Support Technician

Megan Frey

Remote Support Technician

Carolina Garcia, BS

Remote Support Technician

Jodi Guinasso-Minton, CCDS

Patient Care Specialist

Raquel Haro, RN, BSN, CCSD - Patient Care Specialist

Raquel Haro, RN, BSN, CCDS

Patient Care Specialist

Hayden Hussey, CCDS

Patient Care Specialist

Nancy Jackson, CCDS

Patient Care Specialist

Ash Liao, CRAT

Arrhythmia Specialist

Debra Martin, BSN, RN, CDRMS

Patient Care Specialist

Shannon Metcalf, CCT, CRAT

Arrhythmia Specialist

Julie Mouton, FNP-BC, CCDS

Patient Care Specialist

Troy Muffler, CCDS

Patient Care Specialist

Lenny Noel, NASPExAM Testamur

Patient Care Specialist

James Pettit, CDRMS, CRAT

Patient Care Specialist

Andrew Radant, CRAT

Arrhythmia Specialist

Ally Stein

Remote Support Technician

Tonya Strong, CRAT

Patient Care Specialist

Amy Thompson, RN, BSN, CDRMS

Patient Care Specialist

Benjamin Torres, CCDS, CRAT

Patient Care Specialist

Jennifer West

Remote Support Technician

Joe Witte, CCDS

Patient Care Specialist

Cardiac Device Nursing Team

Emilie Cuticchia - Cardiac Device Registered Nurse

Emilie Cuticchia, BSN, RN

Cardiac Device Registered Nurse

Kathy Towers - Patient Care Specialist

Cathy Towers, RN, BSN, CDRMS

Patient Care Specialist

Clinical Quality and Education


Jesse-Lee Lavoie,

Manager of Clinical Excellence

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